
How to handle the repositioning issue on TTS 20 Pro

See translation
I have a two trees TTS20 Pro, I have it set up to home at front left as per the instructions in my lasers manual, but the machine keeps trying to home at back left and when doing so it slams into the top and side walls and makes a terrible grinding sound.
All images are engraved upside down to what is shown on LightBurn.
I have tried deleting my laser and adding it back in, I’ve also tried changing the homing location to all other options and that doesn’t change anything either.
Please help
    • Aaron

      Try this. Ensure auto home on startup is disabled. Place the laser head somewhere in the middle of the bed. Turn off and restart the laser. Restart Lightburn. Now go to the move panel and click Get Position. It should report X=0, Y=0, Now use the right arrow, then up arrow, then left, then down. Does the laser move in the correct direction with every arrow? Report your results.
        See translation
        • : Thanks for the response. Left and right move in the correct directions. Forward and back is not correct. Up button goes down (towards the front), down button goes up (towards the back)

        • : The Y portion of GRBL parameter $3 needs to be toggled. You have to be connected to your laser and I am 1000 miles from my machine, so I cannot provide a screen shot of where to change it.

        • : In the Edit menu go to Machine settings. Click Read. Click on Outputs Setup at the bottom. Click Yes to allow changes. Scroll to Y direction pin invert and toggle that setting. Click write and test movement again. If it moves correctly, try homing. If it still homes to wrong corner return to Machine settings and toggle Y Homing direction invert.

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