As of April 10, 2023, NUBURU is a company specializing in the production of high power blue lasers for industrial use. Their website emphasizes that their blue lasers are used in laser welding and additive manufacturing of metals such as copper, gold and aluminum. Blue light interacts effectively with reflective metals such as aluminum and copper, according to the website. NUBURU's high-power, high-brightness blue industrial lasers deliver higher quality results than infrared lasers, accelerating welding, 3D printing and other material processing operations.

Further research revealed that NUBURU has been granted European patent number EP3704772 under the name "Multi-kilowatt Class Blue Laser System". The patent abstract Outlines that the invention relates to a multi-kilowatt class blue laser system consisting of a laser diode array, a beam shaping system and a gain medium. The patent also highlights that the blue laser system can be used in materials processing applications such as welding, cutting and additive manufacturing.
NUBURU has developed a high power blue laser system for industrial material processing applications such as welding, cutting and additive manufacturing. The company has been awarded a European patent for a multi-kilowatt class blue laser system, proving its innovation and cutting-edge technology.
Source: Laser Net